CSB Research Day

On May 3rd, 2024, the University of Toronto’s Department of Cell and Systems Biology held its annual tri-campus event at Toronto’s historic Hart House. This marked the first in-person gathering since the onset of COVID. With over 200 participants, including experts and students, the sold-out event provided a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Graduate students from our lab showcased their exciting projects. Elina Kadriu, a PhD student, delivered a presentation on investigating the conservation of ATP sensing across lineages. Three master’s students also presented their work as posters. Emily Deng explored the role of shikimate kinase-like 1 in chloroplast biogenesis, Iris Low investigated the evolutionary trajectory and biological role of shikimate kinase-like 2 in plant abiotic stress response, and Samini Hewa focused on ATP sensing proteins in aromatic compound metabolism in Agrobacterium tumefaciens.

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